About Us

My name is Bill Shields and I’ve been making Ravin accessories for about 5 years.
I got started in this after purchasing a Ravin R9 way back in late 2016. I was already a member of the Crossbow Nation forum and my background was actually an electrical control systems engineer for a major Fortune 100 company.
My wife was an Operating Room RN for 7 years before retiring after our first child was born. She stayed at home until our twins started school and then became a local elementary school nurse.
While on Crossbow Nation one day, I got asked if I could make a Ravin stock extension for an Iraq war veteran who was confined to a wheel chair as a result of a IED wound.
I was impressed with this fine gentleman, who as I recall was an officer in the US Army, and felt compelled to help him.
After trying unsuccessfully to custom make a wooden version, I bought my first 3D printer and soon learned how to make him a carbon fiber nylon version for his Ravin R15. This led to other requests which resulted in other products which eventually resulted in over 1000 customers for my growing list of Ravin accessories.
I tend to get depressed if I don't have an indoor project to do in the cold winter months or hot, humid summer months. But when the Spring and Fall months come around, we enjoy biking, canoeing and of course, hunting and fishing near our small mountain farm.
Many Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive over the years. Without the positive feedback and so many referrals and return customers, I’m sure I would have moved on to something else.
I also want to thank Ravin for making such fine crossbows. It seems they have fallen out of favor by some but I assure you they haven’t fallen out of favor by me.