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1.  Why do you prefer the Ravin R10 model?

It’s the cheapest model Ravin with the lightest weight limbs. As a result of the lighter limbs and short 11” power stroke, the strings on the R10 have the longest life expectancy of any Ravin crossbow. Ravin still produces this model even after 7 years of production so there’s many, many R10s in customer’s hands. It shoots ‘Lights Out’ like most Ravins when properly tuned.  However, the R10 has some limitations such as No adjustable stock, the lack of silent cranking and no continuous scope rail. Hence, I offer stock spacers to solve the stock adjustability problem and even a scope rail extension specifically designed for the very popular and heavy Oracle X auto ranging scope.  Of course, silent cranking is also achievable on the R10 by holding in the crank release button.   Some seem to find this a problem.  I personally don’t, especially since the R10 has the lightest weight limbs in the Ravin lineup.

2.  Why are most of your crossbow accessories designed for Ravin crossbows only?

I’ve owned other crossbows and prefer the railless design of Ravins.  They were the first to incorporate a lot of features I find as significant improvements in hunting crossbow design such as: Integral, ambidextrous crank system with short power stroke for quicker cocking and decocking Mobile string latch allowing the hunter to climb into a tree stand for a morning hunt and effortlessly and quietly cock the crossbow back without even having to stand up.  This is partly because the string latch is often still connected to the string from the previous hunt if the bow wasn’t shot. Railless designs with only a spring loaded roller front rest allows for the use of lighter spine arrows. This not only provides for more accuracy with factory arrows but the same arrows will hold their spine longer.  In addition, there’s zero rail wear with no arrow retainment required and you can throw away your rail lube. Ravin is one of the few crossbow manufactures who don’t change their design from year to year.  This makes my job as a crossbow accessory producer much more stable.​

3.  What shipping method to you use?

I ship via USPS ground advantage in the US lower 48 states Only.

4.  Do your products come with any warranty?

All of my products are guaranteed to perform as advertised.  If you’re unhappy with any of my products, you can return it for a full refund as long as it’s in the same condition as you received it. Also, if you're scheduled to go on a big hunt and Murphy strikes you, I will ship out a replacement part ASAP.

5.  Do you have a minimum order dollar amount?

Yes. There's a $45 minimum order limit. My wife does most of the packaging and I don't want to overburden her with so many very small orders.

6.  How frequently do you ship?

We usually ship our week's orders every Thursday during the off-season. Again, we are both retired and prefer not to visit the post office daily. However, if the order count gets too high like in the summer and early fall, we usually ship more frequently.

7.  Do you sell wholesale to Dealers?

I actually prefer Not to sell to dealers.  I make and price my accessories to sell direct to the customer to cutout the cost of the middleman.

8.  Are installation instructions provided with each order?

Yes, links to installation videos will be available via QR codes.

9.  What model Ravins do you support with your products?

Most of my accessories support or are available for all Ravins with the exception of the R18 and R500. ​ Stock spacers are specific for the R9/R10/R15/R20 only. My Top mount quiver, Quick attach Stirrup, Trigger shoe, Bubble Level, String Latch Release Tool and Nock Centering Tool are universal for all Ravins with the exception of the R18 and R500. Rear mounted crank handle holders are also available for all Ravins with the exception of the R18 and R500. The Loose Stock Bracket is only for the R10/R20. Oracle X range button holders are available for all Ravins with the exception of the R26, R18 and R500.

10.  Do you have references?

Yes.  I have dozens and dozens of comments about my products.  In fact, a large majority of my customers are referrals and many have purchased everything I make. A quick way to see some of my customer feedback is to goto the Ravin manufacturer’s sub-forum on the Crossbow Nation website.  My forum name is ‘bigbird1’ so you can look at some of my threads or search by my name.

11.  Are your products offered in different color?

No.  Currently, all products are a professional looking dark matte gray with the exception of stock spacers which are matte black.  However, all String Latch Release tools are a very bright fluorescent green.   As a result, folks can more easily see it in the rail channel so they can remove it before cranking the mobile string carriage back.

12.  Do you still make Ravin stock extensions with recoil pads installed?

No.  The company making the recoil pad was bought out and as a result, they seem harder to obtain.  In addition, the process of belt sanding the recoil pad to fit and drilling it out for another screw is getting too labor intensive for us these days.   However, I think you will find my new stock spacers are a better choice anyway.  Your Ravin will not only be lighter but the concave shape of the Ravin butt pad provides for a better shoulder feel.  They are also amazing easy to install and still use the 4 screw setup for a very secure attachment.

13.  How much weight do your accessories add to my Ravin?

The short answer is Very Little.   For instance, the standard factory front mounted Ravin quiver/crank holder weighs 3.6 oz.  As a comparison, my front mounted stirrup weighs 3.2 ozs. and my front mounted Top mount quiver holder weighs 1.8 oz. for a net increase of of 1.4 oz.   BTW, my rear mounted Bird mount for the Ravin crank handle weights 1.6 oz. but it’s located in the rear of the crossbow which helps to offset the small additional weight up front. And even if you add a 1-1/4” stock spacer to your R10 to get a 14” LOP,  that spacer only weighs 2.3 oz., which will also make the bow more balanced to the rear.  In summary, your total net gain would just be 5.3 oz.  but you would have a better balanced crossbow and much improved functionality.

14.  Have your accessories been tested in the field?

All of my accessories before the latest material and design changes have been thoroughly tested in the field for several years.  However, I’m confident the 2025 offerings should prove to be just as reliable.  This is because I do things like hang extra barbell weights on one of my Ravins with accessories like the stirrup and leave it hanging on a closet pole for several weeks.  I do the same with the R26/R29 Bird mount as well since it has to support sling swivels.

15.  What type of arrow to you shoot?

I shoot spine matched BEEs in my Ravins and prefer a little more weight in front.   Hence, the standard 80 grain point insert provided in Ravin factory arrows is replaced with a 110 grain version.  This gives me a total arrow weight of approx. 434 grains with a 100 grain point.  I have found through testing that any arrow weight in excess of this can provide diminishing return.  IE.  the loss of speed with a heavier arrow negates the increased momentum gained with a standard 400 fps R10.  I have also seen no increase in accuracy provided by a heavier arrow - at least in my R10s.

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